Bib cock

Cat No: VEL-11 Price:705

Piller cock

Cat No: VEL-12 Price:736

Angle cock

Cat No: VEL-13 Price:705

Long nose

Cat No: VEL-14 Price:745

Concealed stop cock 1/2"

Cat No: VEL-21 Price:856

Concealed stop cock 3/4"

Cat No: VEL-22 Price:881

Flush cock 1"

Cat No: VEL-23 Price:1427

Sink cock wall mounted

Cat No: VEL-31 Price:1185

Swan neck table mounted

Cat No: VEL-33 Price:1185

2 in 1 bib cock

Cat No: VEL-34 Price:1185

2 in 1 long body

Cat No: VEL-34 Price:1185

2 in 1 angle cock

Cat No: VEL-36 Price:1185

Center hole basin mixer

Cat No: VEL-41 Price:2195

Skin mixer wall mounted

Cat No: VEL-44 Price:2195

Non telephonic mixer

Cat No: VEl-46 Price:2195

Wall mixer whitout crutch / band

Cat No: VEL-51 Price:2870

Wall mixer whit crutch / band

Cat No: VEL-52 Price:3095

3 in 1 wall mixer whitout crutch / band

Cat No: VEL-53 Price:3465

3 in 1 wall mixer whit crutch / band

Cat No: VEL-54 Price:3690

Washing long nose

Cat No: VEL-81 Price:745

Wall Mixer Non Telephonic

Cat No: VEL-46 Price:2808

Wall Mixer with L Band

Cat No: VEL-51 Price:3415

Wall Mixer without L Band

Cat No: VEL-52 Price:3165

Wall Mixer 3 in 1 with L Band

Cat No: VEL-51 Price:4020

Wall Mixer 3 in 1without L Band

Cat No: VEL-52 Price:3770

Swan Neck

Cat No: VEL-33 Price:1309

Sink Mixer

Cat No: VEL-44 Price:2808

Washing Bib Cock

Cat No: VEL-81 Price:807